
Age: 26
Bust: 85 D
Clothing: 36
Size: 165
Hair color: dark
Weight:> 55kg
Hairiness: hairless
Nationality: Poland
Languages German

About me
Mariana a perfectly formed angel, with her long hair and sexy breasts. From cuddly to wild, everything is possible with Mariana. The wide range of extras is always good for a surprise. Just call and get to know Mariana.

Extras (extra charge)
Anal: 20 €
Golden Shower: 10 €
Dildo games (active): 10 €
Dildo games (passive): 10 €
Kissing with tongue: 10 €
Facial insemination: 20 €
Excess men per 30 min. 1 man: 40 €
Couples (man and woman): 40 €
Striptease: 10 €

Service (included)
if desired with straps; Cum on body; Multiple positions; Snuggle & Cuddling; Feet erotic; Slight Finger games; Breast Sex; Come as much as you can; Kissing; Service for handycapped; Dirty Talk; Face sitting; Truck or Car;