
Age: 23
Bust: 80 C
Clothing: 38
Size: 175
Figure: tall woman
Type: Erotic
Hair color: dark
Weight:> 55kg
Body hair: hairless
Nationality: Russia
Languages German

About me
A flawless and charming escort model, she knows her charms very well and uses them without batting an eyelid. Eva-3 always manages to make you happy and to fulfill your erotic desires. so what are you waiting for – call Eva-3 and enjoy the time.

Extras (surcharge)
Golden Shower: 10 €
Dildo games (active): 10 €
Dildo games (passive): 10 €
Kissing with tongue (depending on sympathy): 10 €

Service (inclusive)
Oral (with protection); Erotic massage; straps on request; high heels on request; Body insemination; Change of position; Hand relaxation; Snuggle / cuddling; Shower & bath games; Feet eroticism; Light finger games; Breast Sex; Sex possible several times; Kissing;