
Age: 24
Bust: 75 A
Waist: 34
Size: 165
Weight:< 55kg
Body hair: hairless
Languages German

About me
Eva-2: Pretty escort model, with an Asian touch! She will seduce you in all possible variations and positions until you experience complete ecstasy. With Eva-2 you can really let yourself go.

Extras (surcharge)
Dildo games (active): 10 €
Dildo games (passive): 10 €
Kissing with tongue: 10 €

Service (inclusive)
Oral games (with Condom), straps on request, high heels on request, easy finger games, busty sex, kissing and snuggle, service for handicapped, dirty talk, egg licking, face sitting, in truck or car, outdoor sex, shower and bath games, hand relaxation, body insemination, change of position, come as much as you can,