
Age: 18
Bust: 75 B
Waist: 34
Height: 170
Type: Beginner model
Hair color: dark
Weight:< 55kg
Body hair: hairless
Nationality: Bulgaria
Languages: German English

About me
My name is Nina, although I’m still a beginner model, but I know exactly how to excite a man in bed. I live according to the motto – Only the moment counts. I enjoy my single life and take advantage of every minute. Sex is the greatest for me. If you like sex as much as I do, then get in touch with me.

Extras (extra charge)
Multiple men 30 min. 1 man: 40 €

Service (inclusive)
Dildo games (active); Dildo games (passive); French with; Erotic massage; high heels on request; Body insemination; Change of position; Hand relaxation; Cuddling / cuddling; Shower & bath games; Light finger games; Traffic possible several times; Kissing; Verbal eroticism; Truck or car;